Representing Clients From Alaska to California

Case Results
Seattle Maritime Injury Lawyer
ANTHONY URIE, Seattle Maritime Lawyer and West Coast Maritime Lawyer has been Practicing Maritime law in the Pacific Northwest, since 1981. Anthony has represented injured U.S. seaman from as far away as Russia, including the Pacific Coast (Alaska, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, and California). Anthony is admitted in Washington and California and if necessary, associates with local counsel in other jurisdictions to litigate your case. Anthony will consider your seaman’s injury case, no matter where the injury occurs.
About Anthony Urie, Seattle Maritime Lawyer: Anthony began commercial fishing at age 10 in Alaska and was raised in a commercial fishing town, Kodiak, Alaska. Anthony still owns and operates two commercial fishing boats, one in Bristol Bay, Alaska fishing for sockeye salmon and another in Northern California fishing for Dungeness crab. Anthony held a U.S. Merchant Marine (USCG) Captains License for 40 years (Ret.).
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Anthony Urie working as a maritime lawyer and commercial fisherman has seen nearly every possible seaman’s injury and or seaman’s wrongful death, thus fully understands the risks associated with commercial fishing and seaman’s work duties. In 1981 while Anthony was working as a deckhand in the Bering Sea and witnessed another deckhand being washed overboard and drowning at sea. In 1988 Anthony was working on a commercial fishing vessel that capsized in a matter of a few minutes tossing Anthony into the sea without a life jacket or survival suit. These personal experiences at sea coupled with years of litigation experience, instill a passion for zealous representation of injured seaman and a quest for top recovery for injured clients.
Areas of Practice
Injured Seaman: The Jones Act 46 U.S.C. Section 30104 and General Maritime law provide extensive tort remedies and a legal avenues of recovery for injured seaman.
Seaman’s Wrongful Death: Seaman may sue for wrongful death under the “Death on the High Seas Act”, 46. U.S.C. Section 30301 and often under relevant State law for wrongful death.
Maintenance, Cure and Unearned Wages: Ancient maritime codes extended to injured seaman a duty by the injured seaman’s employer to provide medical care, “cure”, daily maintenance payments, and unearned wages, ie. seaman’s pay to the end of the voyage. These maritime codes of “The Laws of Oleron, The law of Wisby, and the Laws of Hanse Towns”, preceded the United States Constitution. United States Courts now reference these obligations to injured and ill seaman. The purpose of maintenance and cure obligations it to provide humanitarian assistance to injured seaman while convalescing ashore, until maximum medical stability is achieved.
Cargo Loss and Damage: The general law of maritime carriage of goods by sea makes the public carrier of goods by sea absolutely responsible for their safe arrival unless loss or damaged was caused by Act of God or of the public enemy, inherent vice of the goods or fault of the shipper. Grace Line v. Todd Shipyards Corp., 500 F2d 361 (9thCir. 1974).
Tower’s Liabilities: A tug boat towing another vessel or barge, must employ proper towing procedures and is liable for negligent navigation. F&S Offshore Inc. v. K.O. Steel Casings, Inc. 662 F2d 1104 (5th Cir. 1981).
Wreck Removal Operations: Under the Rivers and Harbors Act, 33 U.S.C. Section 401 et seq., the owner, lessee or operator of a vessel which has sunk in a navigable water channel has the duty to remove it and or to reimburse the United States if the United States removes it. Barnacle Marine Mgmt, Inc. v. Unites States, 233 F3d 965 (5th Cir. 2000).
Maritime Liens: A maritime lien is a non-possessory property right of a non-owner in a vessel, it earned freight, cargo and other maritime property giving the lienholder the right in admiralty courts to have the property sold and the proceeds distributed to the lienholder to satisfy an In rem debt of the property. Seattle First National Bank v. Blue Water Partnership, 772 F2d 565 (9th Cir. 1985).
Semans’ Employment: Seman are a protected class as wards of Admiralty and the policy of Congress has been to deal with them as a favored class. Hume v. Moore-McCormack Lines, 121 F2d 336 92d Cir. 1940). The maritime laws support written seaman’s contracts and disfavors unwritten crew employment, and has statutory enforcement provisions for nonpayment of seaman’s wages, occurring with or without a written crew contract. State law in some circumstances may supplement federal wage claims which may include employer penalties and attorney fees for the wage claimant.
Pollution Liability: The Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. Section 1281 and the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, 33 U.S.C. Section 2700 incur obligations onto vessel owners to not pollute the navigable waters.
Limitation of Liability: The limitation of Liability Act of 1951, 46 U.S.C Sections 30501-30512 include statutory limitations of liability for the benefit of vessel owners, without privity or knowledge of such owner and thus permit them to avoid liability for certain negligence otherwise creating liability.
Maritime Salvage: “Salvage is the reward or compensation allowed by the maritime law for service rendered in saving maritime property, at risk or in distress, by those under no legal obligation to render it”. Fine v. Rockwood. 895 F. Supp. 306 (S.D. Fl. 1995)
Marine Insurance: Marine Insurance is a contract between insureds and the underwriters. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s v. Inlet Fisheries, Inc. 518 F3d 645 (9th Cir. 2008).
Vessel Documentation: Vessel Documentation is stated in 46 U.S.C. Section 12104 and regulated by the Unites States Coast Guard for many vessels, not otherwise documented in a particular state pursuant to those states licensing laws.
1000+ Client Consultations
95% Successful Cases
2.5M Fishing Vessel Sinking
30+ Professional Attorneys

Meet Anthony M. Urie
As a Seattle maritime lawyer, Anthony was raised in Alaska and began his at-sea fishing experience at the age of 10. By 17, he was serving as a captain on a commercial fishing vessel, and was already familiar with the inherent risks associated with working at sea. He has personally experienced being capsized and abandoning a sinking vessel...Client Reviews
It was good working with Tony. He’s a personal injury attorney from Seattle who specializes in maritime law in Washington State, Oregon, Northern California, and Alaska. I would recommend him to anyone looking for an experienced maritime lawyer. Tony is knowledgeable and experienced in maritime law...

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