Maritime Injury

Commercial boat from above

Due to the physical demands of working at sea, severe injuries to the hands, arms, legs or back can be catastrophic. These injuries can leave you unable to work, causing you and your family to struggle to get by. If you have been injured, you do not have to wait for your insurance company to settle your claim or for your employer to give you the compensation you deserve. You can take legal action right now!

Have you or someone you know suffered one of the following at sea?

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Drowning or near drowning
  • Crushed finger, arm, leg or foot
  • Deep cut or laceration
  • Broken bone(s)
  • Torn muscles or ligaments
  • Injured back and/or neck

If you work on and around boats and rigs, you know the dangers that come along with your job. While you took the job willingly and understand that it comes with inherent risks, it is the responsibility of your employer to minimize those risks. The list of injuries seamen and other maritime workers can sustain is long. However, the above list makes up the most serious injuries sustained while working at sea, and can even end your career.

Anthony Urie will fight to protect your rights!

Anthony Urie

If you have been hurt, Tony is ready to help you! He has represented:

  • Seaman -commercial fisherman, processors, technicians
  • Rig and Platform Workers
  • Barge Workers and Crews
  • Tankers, Freighter & Other Ocean Going Crews
  • Cruise ship passengers and crews

Your employer is responsible for ensuring that your workplace is as free from hazards as possible.

The Following Is a List of Events and Oversights That Often Lead to Unnecessary Injuries:

  • Falling overboard
  • Slippery decks
  • Un-seaworthy vessels/boats
  • Unsecured loads
  • Collisions
  • Lifting, pulling, or falling injuries
  • Injuries sustained while boarding/leaving a vessel/rig

Many of the injuries and deaths resulting from the above could have been prevented!

“If only proper procedure was taken…”
“If only the equipment was well maintained…”
“If only the supervisor was doing his job…”

These “if only’s” can cost you your career. It’s not fair to let your employer put your life at risk. Don’t gamble with your future! With your health and financial outlook on the line, are you comfortable with just any lawyer? How do you know if the attorney you hire has what it takes to win your case? Tony’s first hand background in the industry and winning legal record speaks for itself.

Client Reviews

It was good working with Tony. He’s a personal injury attorney from Seattle who specializes in maritime law in Washington State, Oregon, Northern California, and Alaska. I would recommend him to anyone looking for an experienced maritime lawyer. Tony is knowledgeable and experienced in maritime law...

Jared Carson

Get in Touch

  1. 1 Free Consultation
  2. 2 Over 40 Years of Experience
  3. 3 No Fee Unless You Win

Fill out the contact form or call us at (206) 859-3400 to schedule your free consultation.

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